Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fresh Start

I got a fresh start to a new beginning. Living with Stephanie and the whole gang has made me a happier person. I love being here and spending quality time with the family. I don't have anything like this at my parents house. The only thing I would change if I could would be to have maybe my own bed, and I thing Sarah would like to have hers back.. haha, and to go to Emanuel, But, i don't think the second part will ever happen! but that's alright, Until I get a job and pay for it on my own, I'm gonna have to do homeschooling.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

New life..

Yeah, So I spent last week in a hospital, a mental hospital, I have Cyclothymia. I OD'd and tried to kill myself... I realized in that short time who my real friends are and who really cares about me, Jeremy, Stephanie and Sarah came to the hospital at 12:00am just to make sure I was okay. Sarah is the one who took me to the hospital, IT was eventful! but they left at 1am and then at 2am I got transfered to Dayton Childrens, at 6pm the next day I got admited to detmer, the mental hospital, and there I stayed for a week. Now I am staying with Sarah, Stephanie, Dave, Kaitlyn, and Trevor. Life is so confusing and i kinda wish i hadn't survived, because I'm tired of people talking about it! and tired of people asking where I was. Maybe good will come out of this! I have no idea. Maybe God will use me in a positive way and soon! <3
Thats all!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Is this what I ask for?

I don't think I deserve any of this. Being punched, kicked, spit on, everything he did to me, I don't think i deserved it. But maybe I did. I don't know. Maybe I did something horrible that caused me to deserve this. Maybe I just made it all up. Maybe I...... maybe I dreamed it. I don't know what it was, but it happened. I am living in fear of him. He's 20 years old and I am scared to death of him. I want nothing to do with him. I don't want to converse with him. I just wish none of this happened. My parents blame me for him hitting me, but maybe it was my fault. I just feel awful about this because I don't know what to do. I'm lost. I'm scared. and I'm alone. HELP.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's all coming back!

I can feel it all.
All the emotions i felt before. All the pain. sorrow. All the thoughts, they are coming back to me. The depression is slowly taking control over my body. I thought this piece in my life was over. I guess I was wrong. i cannot believe that this is happening again. God got me through this the "first time" Well, maybe this was never really ever maybe this is not a "second" but maybe it's a continuance of the first. Maybe I never really got over this, Maybe I just played myself. I tricked my mind into thinking one thing so I could please the other people around me. Every little thing around me aggravates me! My father, came into my room and moved a ton of my things, and did not have the courtesy to put my things back! He kicks my belongings. Feels the need to tell me every single time HE THINKS I'm wrong and never tells me anything when I am right. My mother does the same thing.  So does Chip. I wish I could get emancipated. I would be out of this house and living with Melanie. It doesn't sound like the ideal situation for a 15 year old; but at this stage in my life, I am beyond mature enough to move out and live my life. I'm sick of it all. I hate being treated like a child. I know that my legal age in 15; but that is no excuse for my mental age. I am being held inside the body of a 15 year old and it doesn't help anything. When ever I speak up all anyone can hear is the 15 year old being "snotty" but if it were to come form someone older they wouldn't take it that way. Why does age have to matter so much, sometimes it is a maturity level. But other times it's just a way for things to be counted as legal or illegal. I'm so sick and tired of this. Verbal and emotional abuse. I don't care if it's "normal" to have in a home. To have this much is so overwhelming! I simply just can't take it anymore. This is really making me physically sick. Why do I feel these urges to cause SI and many other things. Life should be about one thing, and I can't do that one thing until I have overcome these obstacles. I thought there would just be little hills after this, but NOOOO, Just lots and lots of giant mountains to overcome. I thought that the last release would help so much, and it did, for a while. Until I slipped. I just wish I had money to go to Mrs. Shelly, and to take piano lessons. Those two things are something I am going to strive for. That's how I will spend my money. If i die of hunger, oh well, I need that money to keep my sanity. I'm glad I have great friends, but sometimes I just wish that didn't hold me back from doing what I have wanted to do over these past few years..........